\n \n {{ JSONData }}\n
\n \n {{ remainingCount }}\n
\n\n {{ lang[activeLang][line] }}\n
\n\n {{\n lang[activeLang][\n 'The ACLU of Colorado is the state’s oldest and largest civil rights organization. We are a non-partisan organization funded exclusively by the generous donations of our supporters. Our mission is to protect, defend and extend the civil rights and civil liberties of all people in Colorado.'\n ]\n }}\n
\n\n * {{ lang[activeLang]['Indicates the required fields.'] }}\n
\n\n {{ lang[activeLang]['PLEASE BE ADVISED:'] }} \n {{\n lang[activeLang][\n 'The purpose of this intake form is for the ACLU of Colorado (\\'ACLU-CO\\') to assess whether it can provide you with assistance or representation. Filling out this form does not create an attorney/client relationship between you and the ACLU-CO. The ACLU-CO does not represent you unless you and the ACLU-CO have both signed a written retainer agreement.'\n ] }}\n {{ lang[activeLang]['You are solely responsible'] }}\n {{ lang[activeLang]['for any and all statutes of limitations or other deadlines applicable to your specific situation. To protect your rights, please consult with a private attorney to determine deadlines applicable to your case.'] }}\n {{ lang[activeLang]['Do not wait to hear from the ACLU-CO before proceeding with your matter.'] }}\n
\n\n {{ lang[activeLang]['Please be sure to read'] }}\n \n about the kinds of cases the ACLU of Colorado accepts\n \n \n los tipos de casos que ACLU de Colorado no acepta\n \n {{ lang[activeLang]['before filling out this form.'] }}\n
\n\n {{\n lang[activeLang][\n 'There may be deadlines that could affect your lawsuit or grievance. If you are concerned about whether the time for bringing your complaint is about to pass, you should not rely on filing an ACLU complaint to protect you; you should consult with an attorney of your choice.'\n ]\n }}\n
\n\n {{\n lang[activeLang][\n \"If you would like to request legal assistance, fill out the form below.\"\n ]\n }}\n
\n\n * {{ lang[activeLang]['Indicates the required fields.'] }}\n
\n\n {{\n lang[activeLang][\n 'Unfortunately, we have very limited resources and we are unable to take most cases. If we are able to help you, we will be back in touch as soon as possible. You should continue to seek other counsel and be mindful that you have a limited period of time to file a lawsuit. Thank you for contacting us, and thank you for your patience.'\n ]\n }}\n